The following glossary defines terms related to the IT Industry.
You should not reproduce this terms without permission.
A 16 bit ISO 10646 character set. It can accommodate way more characters that ASCII, thus allowing for easier internationalization.
A family of multi-user operating systems, first developed by AT&T Bell Laboratories in the 1970s and then licensed to many universities. A basis for Linux, a very popular operating system among web hosts.
Uninterruptible Power Supply. UPS keeps the server running on a battery for several minutes after a power outage, allowing for a clean shutdown without loss of data. UPS can also shield the server from line voltage spikes and drops.
(Uniform Resource Locator) is a way of addressing used for world wide web. An URL consist of the type of service (protocol), then the host name and then the file on the host.
Network of all the newsgroups in the Internet.
(Unshielded Twisted Pair). Similar to the STP, but without the shielding metal layer. It is more prone to interference but is less bulky that the STP cables.
It is a method of sending binary files using email - similar in purpose to MIME.