The following glossary defines 290 terms related to the IT Industry.
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Hexadecimal color-notation system
A way of defining colors. Uses RGB scheme and associates a two digit hexadecimal number with each base color (red, green and blue).
In the WWW world "hit" is used to describe a single request made by a web browser. The data transmitted by the web server in response to the request is a text file or a binary file (images, audio, video, executables and other data).
Home Page
Main web page owned by a company, organization or an individual. This is the page that is initially displayed when user makes a request for a particular domain name.
A networked computer dedicated to providing a certain kind of service. Usually refers to a computer that stores the website files and has a web server running on it.
(Hypertext Markup Language). It is the language in which web pages are written. It allows the images to be combined with text and offers wide range of formatting capabilities. One of the most important features of HTML is hypertext, that allows web pages to be liked one to each other. HTML relies on tags, starting with an opening tag and ending with a closing tag. HTML code is stored in a normal text file with extensions ".htm", ".html" and also ".shtml". Also scripting languages like .jsp, .php or .asp are embedded in the html code resulting in html readables by any browser.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. The main protocol used to transfer and receive data over the World Wide Web. The latest version of HTTP is 1.1. Basic HTTP transaction involves a WWW browser connecting to a server, browser sending a request to the server specifying its capabilities and which document is requested, server responding with the required data, and closing of the connection. The overview of HTTP is here.
A hub is a network device that is used for connecting computers on a Local Are Network (LAN). It forwards all the packets it receives to all of its ports.
Hyperlink is part of the web page that links to another web page. By clicking on a hyperlink user redirects the browser to another page. The word hyperlink is sometimes shortened to just "link".
A text on the web page that is linked to another webpage. Browsers usually display hypertext as underlined and in blue color. |